UN, Sudan and Israel
Here, Bradley Burston makes some good points. Just a note, the composition of the UN Human Rights council (successor to the Commission on Human Rights) is as follows:
- African States: Algeria, Cameroon, Djibouti, Gabon, Ghana, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tunisia and Zambia.
- Asian States: Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and Sri Lanka.
- Eastern European States: Azerbaijan, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation and Ukraine.
- Latin American & Caribbean States: Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay.
- Western European & Other States: Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
Here are the independent experts who sit on the committee for the elimination of racial discrimination (a worthwhile cause - in theory)
If you're wondering about my view on all this (Israel/Palestine, right of return etc.), I'll post some rants later.